Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Festival of Faiths & Neighborhood Sustainability/ Urban Ecovillage Organizing

Don't miss the world's only interfaith Festival right here in Louisville this week!

Festival of Faiths Schedule is Here!

Click here to see the entire schedule
Click here to download and view complete Festival booklet
Click here to download and print inserts for your house of worship's bulletin!

The theme for the Festival of Faiths this year is “Coming of Age”. You are invited to live the questions along with us of what it means to “come of age” as we walk our individual paths, as we connect through community, and as we define ourselves and respond through our faith institutions.
We encourage you to create space in your life during this time to explore where you are in your own journey towards maturity and your true self. We have provided some reflections on our theme hoping to enhance your participation and connect you to the spirit of the Festival regardless of the number of events you are able to attend.
Our community is blessed with the opportunity to be inspired, educated and challenged to “come of age”around the issues that confront us today. How we respond may be a reflection of how successfully we are navigating our own coming of age, both individually and as a community.
Our wish is that however you choose to participate you will be inspired to carry forward the fruits of your experience of the Festival of Faiths in your life, in your faith, and in our community.

Also Sunday, November 16th at 2pm
a Community leader workshop for Neighborhood Sustainability and an Urban Ecovillage!

The Brick House at 2pm November 16th
Sustainable Neighborhoods Workshop Sunday, November 16, 2008


The Brick House community center, in conjunction with the Adena Institute and other community partners and organizations, is hosting a workshop on neighborhood sustainability and urban ecovillage organizing

Sunday, November 16th2pm@ The Brick House
1101 S. 2nd Street Louisville, Ky40208

John Baker, Clifton Community Council
Mark Isaacs, AIA, Legacy Homes (invited)
John Gilderbloom, Ph.D., Sustainable Urban Neighborhoods, University of Louisville
Shameka Parrish-Wright, Community Activist, Kentuckians for the Commonwealth
David W. Silverman, Executive Director, Adena Institute
Jack Trawick, APA, Executive Director, Center for Neighborhoods
Kelly Thompson, Metro United Way (invited)

For more information: 502 619 4352

About the workshop:
We are moving towards ecological societies, with great opportunities to build a positive future:Neighborhood democracy, renewable energy, real economic development, sustainable businesses, healthy local food, stronger families and social connections, and ways to act locally and globally everyday for a world that works for everyone.
What are your challenges in greening your neighborhood?
How are you and your neighbors crafting neighborhood sustainability?
How do we create urban ecovillages now? This is an action-learning workshop, so we will have an opportunity to collaborate on real issues in Louisville neighborhoods. Participants will have the opportunity to work in groups on sustainability organizing and urban ecovillage planning for your block or neighborhood. The workshop will highlight sustainability theory and organizing strategies, with brief case studies from Louisville and around the world, exploring the following questions and opportunities for action:
How have successful sustainable community organizers changed their neighborhoods for the better?
What are the challenges raised by the transition to sustainable societies?
How does sustainability organizing differ from and connect with traditional neighborhood organizing?
How do neighborhood ecovillages grow?
How do we measure our sustainability successes and failures?
How do we collaborate effectively and keep learning and action moving forward?
What resources are available to support neighborhoods moving towards sustainability? Not only is this a discussion, it is a forum for all those who are interested, as well as a springboard for project-oriented groups to come together and actually achieve realistic goals.Please attend, bring a friend or colleague, forward this announcement, and join us in exploring how to support community efforts to green our neighborhoods.
Free and open to the public.