The mission of The Green Convene is to build an influential non-partisan coalition of local organizations,united in supporting current sustainable policies and promoting stronger sustainable policies in local government.
Go to ..... www.greenconvene.org ..... now!!!
What: The Green Convene - Winter 2009Building a Coalition of Local OrganizationsPromoting Sustainability in Local Public Policywww.greenconvene.org
Who: Wendell Berry, Tom Fitzgerald, Carol Besse, Mark Isaacs, Claude Stephens, ...and you!!
When: 20 & 21 February 2009Friday night (20th) ReceptionSaturday (21st) Conference
Where: Glassworks - 815 W Market StFocus GroupsA large portion of the work will happen in Saturday's (February 21) Focus Groups.
Focus Group Leadership includes:Air Quality - Arnita Gadson - Dir KY Environmental Quality Commission - former head of West County Task ForceAgriculture - Sandee Corlett - owner of Earth's Promise FarmBusiness - Jennifer Rubenstein - Membership Dir of Louisville Independent Business AssociationClimate Change - Sarah Lynn Cunningham - Co-founder of Louisville Climate Action NetworkEnergy - George Perkins - co-founder of Louisville Peak Oil GroupHealth Care - Garrett Adams - State Coordinator & founding member Physicians for a National Health Program/KYHousing - Cathy Hinko - Exec Dir of Metropolitan Housing Coalition2008 State of Metropolitan Report- Focused on Home Energy Costs in relation to Affordable Housing - http://www.metropolitanhousing.org/pdf/mhcdoc_205.pdf2007 State of Metropolitan Report- Focused on Transportation in relation to Affordable Housing - http://www.metropolitanhousing.org/pdf/mhcdoc_154.pdfNeighborhoods - Jack Trawick - Exec Dir of Center for NeighborhoodsTransportation - Barry Zalph - Exec Dir of Bicycling for LouisvilleWater Quality - Gordon Garner - Vice President, Water Business Group-CH2M HILLCommissioner- Kentucky Environmental Quality Commissionformer Dir of Metropolitan Sewer District
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
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