What a memorable, fun Hoot! It was so heart-warming that everyone came out in a monsoon to celebrate our Mighty Kind Community! A world record was set with the "Great Cloth Diaper Change", the music continued in the rain, there were booths inside and outside, the Jam Tent was full, Farm to Fork provided good, local food, kids played in puddles while the ducks swam,
people walked away with great jewelry, art, free seedlings, local eggs, organic vegetables and invaluable information about energy conservation and growing. The highlight was the Mighty Kind Community Circle where we envisioned what we wanted our community to hold....
unity, green energy,organic, local farms,hugs,cucumbers, light rail, community gardens, love,
deeper connections, clean water, air and soil, smiles, peaceful hearts....may it be so and may we continue to grow more mighty kind!
Next, we hope to see you at the Mighty Kindness FundRaiser Sunday, May 15 4-7 at The Monkey Wrench with music by Andrea Davidson, Justin Lewis, Kri and Hettie, Troubadours of Divine Bliss and Serpent Wisdom!